A Growing Community of Committed Christians
A Growing Community of Committed Christians



GCCC Preschool is a ministry of and is sponsored by Grassy Creek Christian Church. Therefore, GCCC Preschool is under the jurisdiction of the Elders, which according to the Holy Scriptures, have the authority and responsibility to oversee and direct the church’s programs. The Elders have delegated operational responsibility to a Preschool Committee who functions as the Administrators. The Director of GCCC Preschool (Janet Stahl) will make daily operational decisions in the best interest of the students.



Children must be at least 4 years old as of August 1st AND completely potty trained to enroll. Class size is limited to 20 students. Applications will be considered on a first come-first serve basis. 

IF we do not have 20 four-year olds enrolled prior to August 15th, space will be considered for children who are 3 years old AND completely potty trained as of August 1st. If you would like to complete an application form for your 3 year old in advance, applications will be considered on a first come-first serve basis. If your three year old child is not admitted, your application will remain on file and we will contact you the following school year to ask if you would like to enroll your child as a four year old. 



Our doors will open at 8:15 AM and class will begin promptly at 8:35. It is very important that students arrive on time. Having your child here on time is most helpful as we work to establish a successful morning school routine. We will allow you to accompany your child into the building on the first two days of school ONLY. After that, we request that you do not enter the building upon arrival. It is important to the child’s development that they learn to make this transition and enter the building on their own. 



Attendance will be checked each day. If your child is not coming to school, please notify the teacher at the number provided (add information here once staffing is decided). Tuition will not be prorated for a child’s non-attendance. 


Authorization to Administer Medication:

In the event that medication needs to be administered at school (example: inhaler), you will need to complete an Authorization to Administer Medication Form. This form will be available to you on our website. You may download it, complete the form, and send the form and the medication to school in your child’s backpack. 



We request that each child bring a backpack to school each day. Children will need a place to put papers and notes that come home. Please make sure the backpack is large enough to hold a full-sized paper folder (which we will supply). The provided folder will be used as a parent communication folder; please make sure that you check this daily and place it back in the backpack for school each day.

We also request that you place a full outfit (shirt, bottoms, underwear and socks) in a ziploc bag and keep it in the backpack at all times. We will use these in the event of an accident or spill. 


Behavior Expectations

We have high expectations for children, and want the class to work productively together. We also recognize that students are four-year-olds and this may be their first opportunity to experience a structured setting. We will spend ample time learning procedures and rules that will help facilitate learning and positive growth amongst the children. Our philosophy on classroom management is to focus on good behavior. We will both teach and encourage good behavior with praise and positive reinforcement. 

In the event that a poor choice is made, appropriate consequences will be given based on the negative behavior displayed.  Negative behavior will be dealt with privately and lovingly, allowing choices for improving behavior whenever possible. Misbehaviors that include actions such as hitting, pinching, pushing, or destruction of property may result in a time-out. You will be contacted if your child experiences a time-out during the day. You will also be contacted in the event your child is completely defiant, or if there are repeat offenses of the same action. If we do contact you, it will be to work together with you to solve the issue at hand. Continued behavior that could cause harm to other students could result in a child’s dismissal from the program. If for any reason you feel that there is a problem that might affect your child’s behavior, please do not hesitate to contact one of us. All communication will remain confidential. 



There is a registration fee of $50.00. This fee will be used to purchase classroom supplies. Tuition is $130 per month (September-May). Tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month. Both the registration fee and September’s tuition payment must be paid prior to the beginning of school. 

If you would like to pay tuition by the semester or by the year, a discount is included. 

    2 payments of $600 (due prior to school starting and again by January 1st)

    1 payment of $1180 due prior to school starting.

Teachers do not collect tuition. Tuition may be paid by check to Grassy Creek Christian Church Preschool and mailed to:

Janet Stahl, Preschool Director

Grassy Creek Christian Church

6884 HWY 17N

DeMossville, KY 41033


Late fees are $30. Prompt payment is important because tuition pays our teachers’ salaries. Tuition will not be prorated for families who chose to end their child’s enrollment prior to the end of the month or for families who choose to begin after the 1st of the month. 



Preschool ends each day at 11:30. Please arrive on time. 


Dressing Your Child for School:

Please dress the children in comfortable play clothes that can be easily washed. Preschool can be messy! Please make sure that clothing is able to be operated independently by the child; clothes that pull up easily allow for bathroom independence. Things to avoid may include belts, bodysuits, overalls, suspenders, tights, etc. If your daughter enjoys wearing dresses, we suggest shorts or leggings underneath. Please send your child in comfortable footwear that is supportive of active play. When appropriate, we will spend time outside on the playground as part of our day.  Also, please place a complete change of clothes (shirt, bottoms, underwear and socks) in the backpack in a zipper bag and leave it there at all times, in case of spills or an accident. 


Drop off and Pick Up: 

Drop off will be to the doors located under the drive-through awning. Please enter the right-side driveway and circle around the building. Doors will be unlocked at 8:15 AM. Staff will assist your child out of the car. Please have them prepared to be unbuckled quickly and have the backpack near them in the vehicle. You can remain in the car. If you need to escort your child to the building, you may park in the parking lot and walk your child to the church door. Parents will be allowed to bring their child into the church building on the first two days of school only.  After this, one of our staff will be at the door to assist your child in entering the building. 

Pick up will be at the doors located under the drive-through awning. Please enter the right-side driveway and circle around the building. The first car in line may park under the awning. Please stay in your car. Students will be released at 11:30 AM. Staff will assist in opening the door for your child to enter your vehicle. If your child is not capable of buckling, you may pull forward from the awning drive through and park to buckle them. 

Mirror Tags:  Each parent will be given a rearview mirror sign with a specific number. Anyone who may be picking up your child will need to have the mirror sign with your child’s specific number; this will alert us quickly that a person has permission to pick up your child. Please list all people that you suspect may need to pick up your child on the registration form and you will be supplied with a mirror tag for each person. Of course, things may change throughout the year; just communicate with us and we can accommodate your needs. 


Enrollment Procedures:

After the child’s application has been approved, please provide the following forms prior to the first day of school:    

  • Current immunization record (must be signed by a physician and have an expiration date to be valid).

  • Registration fees must be paid.

  • September’s tuition must be paid.

  • A completed Parent/Guardian Contract must be sighted and submitted to the school.

  • Authorization to Administer Medication Form (if applicable) must be signed and submitted. 


Field Trips:

If we take a field trip, parents (or a parent representative) will need to attend and provide transportation for your child. Information will be sent in plenty of time for you to make arrangements. 


Health Regulations:

A current Kentucky immunization certificate is required prior to school starting. If this certificate expires during the school year, you are responsible for providing the school with an updated copy. 

It is IMPERATIVE that you let us know of any allergies that your child may have. Please list these on the registration form and inform the teacher of any specific problems or instructions. 



Please do not send your child to school if any of the following are occurring: 

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or higher 

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, or severe nausea

  • Widespread rash 

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

  • Disruptive cough (persistent, causing vomiting, etc.)

  • Other contagious conditions

Likewise, if any of the above conditions occur during the school day, you will be contacted to pick up your child early. 


Inclement Weather: 

In the event of inclement weather, we will make a decision as early as possible on whether preschool will remain open for the day. This information will be posted on our Facebook page and sent to parents through the Remind App.  Days missed throughout the year will be made up in May. 



GCCC Preschool is a ministry of and sponsored by Grassy Creek Christian Church. Our Insurance policy covers the children and staff.  Nevertheless, liability for the acts of the child while at school is the parents’ responsibility. Neither GCCC Preschool Grassy nor Creek Christian Church are liable for accidents or illnesses that may occur while a child is at school. 


Late Fees:

Tuition Payments are due on the 1st of each month.  Late payment will result in a $30 additional charge. If you feel like this may be a problem for you to remember, please consider the option to pay by semester or by the year. 

Late pick up could result in additional fees, if these become habitual. Charges may be added after four incidences, or in the event that a large delay occurs and staff has not been notified. You will be notified if you become eligible for late pick up fees. If this is the case, you may be charged $1 per minute for pick up occuring after 11:35. 


Medical Emergencies: 

Prior to school starting, you will complete a Medical Release Form that we will use in the event that Grassy Creek Christian Church/Creek Kids Preschool needs to seek emergency treatment for your child. Of course, you would be contacted immediately should a medical emergency occur.  


Parent Communication

We will use the Remind App as well as a Private Facebook Group to communicate with you. We will send you an invitation to join Remind on your cell phone. We will also send you an invitation to the private Facebook group. If you need someone else invited to receive messages, please send their contact information to us and we can accommodate. 

There may also be written communication in the child’s take-home folder in the backpack. We are also available by email which will be checked once daily, Monday through Friday. Please do not expect a response over the weekend starting after school on Friday and ending before school on Monday morning.  If you need to speak with us in person, please contact us prior to the school day and arrange to speak to us after school. Mornings can be very busy with student arrival. 



We will take photos weekly and will post these on our private Facebook page and on our Remind App. If you are opposed to this for your child, please indicate your desire to be excluded on the registration form.  



Classes will occur in the church basement. All external doors will be locked after 8:30 (another reason to make sure that your child is at school on time). No one will be admitted until 11:30 upon dismissal. If there is an emergency and you need your child earlier, please call ……… (number added later).

In the event of storms, we are safely located within the basement and will respond appropriately. 



We meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30-11:30 AM. 


School Calendar:

GCCC Preschool will begin on the Wednesday following Labor Day in September and will continue into May. We will do our best to coordinate our school calendar with the calendar of Pendleton County Schools. A calendar will be provided to you. 



A mid-morning snack will be provided each day. Parents will be asked to donate various food items throughout the year. There will be a snack calendar provided to you. Please try to provide snacks such as: cheesesticks, pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, go-gurts, cereal, or popcorn. Please send in your snacks as indicated on the snack rotation schedule, at the beginning of each month. Please provide enough snacks for 80 servings.? (I’ll do math for this later to make sure I have the right amount) With your snacks, please provide a 64 oz bottle of juice. We will offer juice and water to drink. 


Special Days: 

Birthdays and holidays are special days in a child’s life. If you wish to bring in special birthday treats, just give us notice and we can tell you how many kids are currently in the class as well as

any food allergy concerns. If your child has a summer birthday, we could celebrate your child on their ½ birthday if you choose. Cookies, Little Debbies or Rice Krispie Treats are popular for birthday treats. 



We will provide all needed classroom supplies. Your $50 registration fee will support this purchase. However, if you feel inclined to help with a little extra, we can always use any of the following: 

  • Gallon and Quart size Ziplock Bags

  • Black Dry Erase Markers

  • Tissues

  • Baby Wipes

  • Paper Towels

  • Clorox/Lysol Wipes

  • Paper Plates 

  • Lysol Spray

  • Bathroom Size Dixie Cups


Take Home Folders:

Children will have a folder that will come home in their backpack daily. Please remove your child’s work, and help them complete any assignments.  Please have the folder in the backpack each day for communication purposes. 



Play based education will occur daily with toys provided by GCCC Preschool.  Please do not allow children to bring toys from home to school. 


Contact Us Today!

Grassy Creek Christian Church

6884 Hwy 17 N

De Mossville, KY 41033

Phone: (859) 472-2241

Where visitors become family.

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