A Growing Community of Committed Christians
A Growing Community of Committed Christians


  • Let your child play. Play is the most important way for your young child to learn.
  • Read every day. Reading teaches vocabulary, problem solving, creativity, thinking skills and emotional maturity. Just 5-10 minutes a day is all that is needed. 

  • Instill independence. This is necessary for your child’s successful development. Understand that school is their “job.” Drop them off, give them a confident goodbye hug and encourage them to have a great day.

  • When parents tell children things like “I won’t know what to do without you; I will miss you so much,” it could cause children to feel guilty about leaving for school and possibly upsetting a parent.  Of course you will think those things, but please do not share the thoughts - or any accompanying tears - with your child. Let them know that you are excited for them to start school and that it will be so much fun!

  • Give daily chores at home with 2-step instructions.

  • Use everyday math. Have your child help you sort laundry or dishes. Count together and cook together. Talk about shapes, sizes and numbers. 

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of physical activity; when possible, limit technology and TV time. 

  • Play games. Games in which you run, jump, throw or kick help build large muscles. Quiet games with small pieces develop fine motor skills your child will need for writing and drawing. 

  • Talk and listen. Talk about what you are doing and feeling and encourage your child to do the same. Ask questions to expand on his or her ideas. 

  • Ensure that your child has a consistent bedtime routine and gets plenty of sleep.

  • Practice with your child washing hands properly, using a tissue, and sneezing/coughing into the elbow. 

  • Ensure that your child is COMPLETELY potty trained (including self-wiping) and can redress themselves after toileting. 

  • Practice having your child put on their own jacket/coat and backpack. 

  • Ensure that your child is COMPLETELY potty trained (including self-wiping) and can redress themselves after toileting. 

  • Practice having your child put on their own jacket/coat and backpack. 



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Grassy Creek Christian Church

6884 Hwy 17 N

De Mossville, KY 41033

Phone: (859) 472-2241

Where visitors become family.

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